[x]12 Avenged Sevenfold [x]5 My Chemical Romance [x]10 Ville Valo [x]13 WWE - Chris Jericho & Randy Orton [x]COMMENT & CREDIT [x]BLANKS NOT BASES/Do Not Edit
[x]5 Ariel [ECW] [x]7 Maria [WWE] [x]12 Kevin Thorn [ECW] [x]16 Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix [x]8 Gerard Way [My Chemical Romance] [x]24 Kevin Thorn/Ariel Icon BASES [x]COMMENT & CREDIT [x]BLANKS NOT BASES/DO NOT EDIT.
[x]8 Ariel [ECW/WWE] [x]8 Stone Cold Steve Austin [WWE] [x]18 My Chemical Romance [x]1 Ville Valo [x]COMMENT/CREDIT [x]BLANKS NOT BASES [x]DO NOT EDIT.
[x]16 Order of the Phoenix [x]10 Beyonce Knowles [x]3 Daniel Radcliffe (Equus) [x]16 My Chemical Romance [x]Comment/Credit [x]Blanks NOT Bases/Do Not Edit.
[x]25 My Chemical Romance [x]26 WWE: Jeff Hardy, The Boogeyman, John Cena, Kevin Thorn/Ariel, Trinity, Sandman, & Maria [x]1 Texture Set [x]Comment/CREDIT. [x]BLANKS NOT BASES [x]Do NOT Modify.